The journey to now...

From a young age I always had an interest in photography. For Christmas one year, I eagerly I asked for my first camera, which admittedly got little to no use. It wasn't until several years later, 2021, I dusted it off. I took family photos for one of my best friends after she had her adorable baby. Once they hit the social media, I was faced with my very first wave of inquiries.

From there, I had a lot of learning to do. Let's be honest, I was far from being a pro, and the idea of running my own (unintentional) business was a foreign concept to me. It took a lot of learning, growing, and embracing trial and error to start to feel like I was getting my bearings. While finding my footing, I became in love with what I was doing.

I shot my first elopement with clients that I did not know personally a month after picking that camera up. They believed in my budding skills and had full confidence in me to capture their special day. It was through opportunities like these and the support of friends and family who graciously agreed to be my subjects that I found a safe space to learn. I am forever grateful for the trust and encouragement I received during those early stages. Love y'allllll!

Now that you're caught up on the history...

I'm a photographer based in Luzerne County, Northeast Pennsylvania, specializing in capturing couples, weddings, and more.

My photography takes me primarily outdoors, where I have the pleasure of capturing moments in the natural beauty that surrounds us here in NEPA. Whether it's the peacefulness of a serene forest or the radiance of a sunlit meadow, I'm always ready to embrace the diverse landscapes PA has to offer. Let's be real, she's a beaut.

My mission is to help you preserve those genuine, heartfelt moments that are full of authenticity, expression, and intimacy. I genuinely hope that our paths align and we have the opportunity to create stunning images together!

Bride and groom pop a bottle of champagne in front a mobile bar in Honesdale, PA.